La música pop (del inglés pop music, contracción de popular music) es un género de música popular que tuvo su origen a finales de los años 1950 como una derivación del tradicional pop, en combinación con otros géneros musicales que estaban de moda en aquel momento. Los términos música pop y música popular se usan a menudo de manera indistinta, aunque el segundo tiene un sentido más amplio al dar cabida a otros géneros distintos del pop que se consideren populares.

Biografia Keith Urban

➽ Biografía de Keith Urban

Nació en Whangarei (Nueva Zelanda) el 26 de octubre de 1967 aunque se crió en Australia. El 25 de junio de 2006 contrae matrimonio con la actriz Nicole Kidman. Se conocieron en enero de 2005 durante una cena patrocinada por el gobierno australiano en Los Angeles (California).

El cantante ganó un premio Grammy en el 2005 con su tema You'll Think of Me.


Letra de Shut Out The Lights

Let's get into the point, when we are not listening anymore!
Just walking... and wearing... on the floor
I'm tired; I know you're tired and it's late,
And it's almost four.
What are you trying to achieve?
What are you trying to win?
I said the same thing three hours ago,
And now I'm saying it again.
And I know you well enough to know,
Neither one of us is giving in!

Baby, I love you I'm not going to bed angry
Baby, I need you, I want you to be happy,
We've been going around in circles with no end insight
Baby if we just...
Shut off the lights,
And wait till the morning!
Turn off the lights,
Wait till the morning!

It's amazing all the awkward moments

We still carry around,
We wait to bring it all up when it all comes down.
The light is coming right now!

And baby, I love you; I'm not going bed angry
Baby, I need you, I want you to be happy,
We've been going around in circles with no end insight
Baby if we just...
Shut off the lights,
And wait till the morning!
Shut off the lights,
Wait till the morning!

Cause I don't wanna lose you,
And I don't wanna hurt you,
I don't wanna feel like a...

Baby, I love you I'm not going to bed angry
Baby, I need you, I want you to be happy,
We've been going around in circles with no end insight
Baby if we just...
Shut off the lights,
And wait till the morning!
Turn off the lights,
Wait till the morning!