La música pop (del inglés pop music, contracción de popular music) es un género de música popular que tuvo su origen a finales de los años 1950 como una derivación del tradicional pop, en combinación con otros géneros musicales que estaban de moda en aquel momento. Los términos música pop y música popular se usan a menudo de manera indistinta, aunque el segundo tiene un sentido más amplio al dar cabida a otros géneros distintos del pop que se consideren populares.

Biografia Keith Urban

➽ Biografía de Keith Urban

Nació en Whangarei (Nueva Zelanda) el 26 de octubre de 1967 aunque se crió en Australia. El 25 de junio de 2006 contrae matrimonio con la actriz Nicole Kidman. Se conocieron en enero de 2005 durante una cena patrocinada por el gobierno australiano en Los Angeles (California).

El cantante ganó un premio Grammy en el 2005 con su tema You'll Think of Me.


Letra de Right On Back To You

the rains coming down hard tonite,
pull the car over
now im sittin alone on the roadside

i tilt the mirror down and say to me,
why you always think the answers gotta be,
to just leave

im making the same mistake
im hoping its not too late
because i

i dont know where id be without you now
i guess i get scared and thats why i (lie?)
such a fool
cause youre the one thing i cant lose
i feel the tears coming
and i wanna cry
i think of us baby
and all the love inside comes shining through
and it always leads me right on back to you

i never felt it,
i never knew
someone who could get inside my soul the way you do,
yes you do

yeah you got me in the palm of your hands
its beautiful and terrifying,
cant you see
for someone like me

but instead of running in,
i know
its when i should hold you closer
because i


i dont know where id be without you now

[ From: ]

i guess i get scared and thats why i (lie?)
such a fool
cause youre the one thing i cant lose
i feel the tears coming
and i wanna cry
i think of us baby
and all the love inside comes shining through
and it always leads me right on back to you

cause nobodys ever loved me
like you
and i was born to be your man forever

forever baby

i feel the tears coming
and i wanna cry
i turn the car around
and put it in drive
and i know what to do
gonna come on back,
come on back to you

oh, oh baby
gonna come on back,
come on back to you

cause i cant live without you,
i cant breathe without you

and im nothin, im nothin
without you

i was a fool, i was a fool baby