La música pop (del inglés pop music, contracción de popular music) es un género de música popular que tuvo su origen a finales de los años 1950 como una derivación del tradicional pop, en combinación con otros géneros musicales que estaban de moda en aquel momento. Los términos música pop y música popular se usan a menudo de manera indistinta, aunque el segundo tiene un sentido más amplio al dar cabida a otros géneros distintos del pop que se consideren populares.

Biografia Keith Urban

➽ Biografía de Keith Urban

Nació en Whangarei (Nueva Zelanda) el 26 de octubre de 1967 aunque se crió en Australia. El 25 de junio de 2006 contrae matrimonio con la actriz Nicole Kidman. Se conocieron en enero de 2005 durante una cena patrocinada por el gobierno australiano en Los Angeles (California).

El cantante ganó un premio Grammy en el 2005 con su tema You'll Think of Me.


Letra de Put You In A Song

Well here you come again and you're lookin' so fine
You don't notice me but it's alright
I'm just a guy who wishes that I could be your man someday
Yeah a picture paints a thousand words it's true
But it's still not enough for how I feel about you
I wanna put you in a melody, I gotta set you to a groove


I wanna put you in my car and drive
And turn you up loud, roll down all the windows and shout it out
I love this girl, oh
If I could press play, repeat how happy I'd be
Wherever I'd go I'd have you there with me
You'd be right where you belong
I wanna put you in a song, oh oh oh

Well I'd sing about your smile and your pretty blue eyes
The way your hair shimmers in the sunlight
It'd be so easy I'd just write it from my heart
'Cause I gotta tell the world what you mean to me
Wrap you up in a melody so you'll be
Stuck in my head all day
'Cause you're already there anyway, yes you are


I wanna put you in my car and drive
And turn you up loud, roll down all the windows and shout it out
I love this girl
If I could press play, repeat how happy I'd be
Wherever I'd go I'd have you there with me
You'd be right where you belong
I wanna put you in a song

And if I get it right everybody'd be singing along yeah
And when they see you on the street they'll say
Hey ain't you the girl in that song
I wanna put you in my car and drive
And turn you up loud, roll down all the windows and shout it out
I'm in love with this girl
Yeah if I could press play, rewind a couple million times
Imagine for a moment that you're all mine
Every night I'd drive you home
If I could put you in a
Let me put you in a song
Let me put you in a song
Oh a pretty little song about you baby