La música pop (del inglés pop music, contracción de popular music) es un género de música popular que tuvo su origen a finales de los años 1950 como una derivación del tradicional pop, en combinación con otros géneros musicales que estaban de moda en aquel momento. Los términos música pop y música popular se usan a menudo de manera indistinta, aunque el segundo tiene un sentido más amplio al dar cabida a otros géneros distintos del pop que se consideren populares.

Biografia Damien Rice

➽ Biografía de Damien Rice

Damien Rice (7 de diciembre de 1973, Celbridge, County Kildare) es un músico irlandés.

Originalmente Rice fue el cantante de Juniper, una banda de rock que llegó a lanzar los singles "The World Is Dead" y "Weatherman". En la víspera de la grabación de su primer álbum en 1999, a Rice no le gustó la dirección comercial que estaba tomando el disco, debido a la presión de la discográfica Polygram, y decidió abandonar el grupo.


Letra de The Rat Within The Grain

This would not have happened if I hadn't missed my plane.
I would've been there when they told you I'm the rat within the grain.
Then this big misunderstanding out, wouldn't be misunderstood.
I'm thinking' someone's trying to fuck with me, and set fire to my wood.

I wouldn't want you to want to be wanted by me.
I wouldn't want you to worry you'd be drowned within my sea.
I only wanted to be wonderful, and wonderful is true.
In truth, I only really wanted to be wanted by you.

It's a stupid situation now where everything goes wrong.
If you can't tell if I am lying: then you do not belong.
In my bed, go rest your head upon the bones of a bigger man.
And he will cover you with Rockwool and you can close up like a clam.

'Cause I wouldn't want you to want to be wanted by me.
I wouldn't want you to worry you'd be drowned within my sea.
I only wanted to be wonderful, and wonderful is true.
In truth, I only really wanted to be wanted by you.

So go play with your piano and write a mediocre song
About this shell of mediocrity: pretend there's nothing wrong.
I never thought you were a chicken shit:
I never thought of you at all.
Until you asked me to be part of it
And now you're showing me a wall.

I wouldn't want you to want to be wanted by me.
I wouldn't want you to worry you'd be drowned within my sea.
I only wanted to be wonderful and wonderful is true.
In truth, I only really wanted to be wanted by you.

In truth, I only really wanted to be wanted by you.