Rock en español es la música rock compuesta e interpretada en castellano. A diferencia del rock en inglés, el rock en español ha logrado tener éxito mundial en pocas ocasiones, y muchas veces ni siquiera entre países de habla hispana. Por eso el rock en castellano se ha desarrollado de manera heterogénea en las distintas naciones hispanohablantes; quedando así la música de muchas bandas para uso casi exclusivamente nacional hasta la llegada de la globalización de contenidos multimedia acentuada por la generalización de internet y desarrollada especialmente en el siglo XXI.

Biografia Tom Waits

➽ Biografía de Tom Waits

Thomas Alan Waits (nacido en Pomona (California) el 7 de diciembre de 1949) es un pianista, cantante, compositor y actor estadounidense, famoso por sus canciones de tono áspero inspiradas en escritores de la generación Beat, en especial Jack Kerouac

En 1967 comenzó a trabajar en los cabarets de Los Ángeles, ambiente que le influyó mucho para las canciones de su primer disco, Closing Time (1973), aunque este álbum se vio eclipsado por The Eagles y Tim Buckley, pero fue con el álbum Heart of Saturday Night (1974) el que dio a conocer su personal estilo. Más tarde en 1975 con el disco en directo Nighthawks at the Diner combina canciones muy personales (entre ellas Better off without a wife) con entretenidos monólogos introductorios.


Letra de House Where Nobody Lives

There's a house on my block
That's abandoned and cold
The folks moved out of it a long time ago
And they took all their things and they never came back
It looks like it's haunted with the windows all cracked
And everyone call it the house, the house where nobody lives

Once it held laughter
Once it held dreams
Did they throw it away
Did they know what it means
Did someone's heart break
Or did someone do somebody wrong?

Well the paint is all cracked
It was peeled off of the wood
The papers were stacked on the porch where I stood
And the weeds had grown up just as high as the door
There were birds in the chimney and an old chest of drawers
Looks like no one ever come back to the house were nobody lives

Oh well Once it held laughter
Once it held dreams
Did they throw it away
Did they know what it means
Did someone's heart break
Or did someone do somebody wrong?

So if you find someone
Someone to have, someone to hold
Don't trade it for silver
No, don't trade it for gold
Cause I have all of life's treasures
And they are fine and they are good
They remind me that houses are just made of wood
What makes a house grand
Oh it Ain't the roof or the doors
If there's love in a house
It's a palace for sure
Without love it ain't nothin but a house
A house where nobody lives
Without love it ain't nothin but a house, a house where Nobody lives