Rock en español es la música rock compuesta e interpretada en castellano. A diferencia del rock en inglés, el rock en español ha logrado tener éxito mundial en pocas ocasiones, y muchas veces ni siquiera entre países de habla hispana. Por eso el rock en castellano se ha desarrollado de manera heterogénea en las distintas naciones hispanohablantes; quedando así la música de muchas bandas para uso casi exclusivamente nacional hasta la llegada de la globalización de contenidos multimedia acentuada por la generalización de internet y desarrollada especialmente en el siglo XXI.

Biografia Nofx

➽ Biografía de Nofx

Todo empezó cuando Fat Mike quiso fundar un grupo punk que tuviese buenas letras y buenas canciones, que grabase discos y saliese a tocar, para esto buscó a su amigo Erik.

Grabaron Liberal Animation en 1988 con Brett de Bad Religion, y fue relanzado en 1991 en la firma de Brett, Epitaph Records. NOFX firmó con Epitaph en 1989, sacando a la luz el LP S&M Airlines. En el mismo año nació, de la mano de Fat Mike, el sello Fat Wreck Chords, que pronunciado correctamente suena como "Fat Records".


Letra de Whatever Didi Wants

I wouldn't walk 500 miles when I could fly coach
but almost anything
I wouldn't swim across the nile
Cause I could get a moeisic disentary

I would do almost anything for you

Cause if there's anything you want
I'll probly get it
You tell me what you need
I'll try not to forget it
You need someone to blame
I'll ay I said it
whatever Didi wants she's gonna get it

I wouldn't climb the highest mountain
Could get a blister, but almost anything
I wouldn't throw coins in a fountain
I might be needing to make a phone call

I call you collect whenever i could

Cause if there's anything you want
I'll probly get it
You tell me what you need
I'll try not to forget it
You need someone to blame
I'll ay I said it
whatever Didi wants she's gonna get it

You were so beautiful, you were so beautiful to me
Were gonna try and get it right

I doesn't seem like you're a million
miles away, no. But maybe one or two
That doesn't mean, I never loved you
I love you long time, when you're on top of me

I love you as much as any one could

Cause if there's anything you want
I'll probly get it
You tell me what you need
I'll try not to forget it
You need someone to blame
I'll ay I said it
whatever Didi wants she's gonna get it