Rock en español es la música rock compuesta e interpretada en castellano. A diferencia del rock en inglés, el rock en español ha logrado tener éxito mundial en pocas ocasiones, y muchas veces ni siquiera entre países de habla hispana. Por eso el rock en castellano se ha desarrollado de manera heterogénea en las distintas naciones hispanohablantes; quedando así la música de muchas bandas para uso casi exclusivamente nacional hasta la llegada de la globalización de contenidos multimedia acentuada por la generalización de internet y desarrollada especialmente en el siglo XXI.

Biografia Jimmy Eat World

➽ Biografía de Jimmy Eat World

Jimmy Eat World es una banda estadounidense de rock alternativo formada en 1994 en Mesa, Arizona.

Jimmy Eat World lo formaron en sus inicios Jim Adkins, Zach Lind (amigos desde la guardería) Tom Linton y Mitch Porter. El nombre de la banda no hace referencia a Jim Adkins, sino a uno de los hermanos de Tom Linton. Éste y sus hermanos menores, Jimmy y Ed, estaban siempre peleándose cuando eran pequeños. Jimmy, que era alto y fuerte, siempre solía ganar. Su hermano Ed dibujó a Jimmy comiéndose el mundo en referencia a un capítulo de la serie de dibujos animados Tiny Toon.


Letra de The World You Love

got a story it's almost finished,
And all I need is someone to tell it to;
Maybe that's you.

Our time is borrowed and spent too freely.
Every minute I have needs to be made up,
But how?
I'm looking for a nice way to say, "I'm out."
I want out.

I fall asleep with my friends around me,
The only place I know I feel safe;
I'm gonna call this home.
The open road is still miles away.
Hey nothing serious,
We still have our fun.
Oh we had it once.

But windows open and close,
That's just how it goes.

Don't it feel like sunshine after all?
The world we love forever gone.
We're only just as happy
As everyone else seems to think we are.

I'm in love with the ordinary;
I need a simple space
To rest my head,
and everything gets clear.
well I'm a little ashamed for asking
But just a little helps,
It gets me straight again;
Helps me get over it, over it.

It might seem like a dream
But it's real to me.

Don't it feel like sunshine after all?
The world we love forever gone.
We're only just as happy
As everyone else seems to think we are.

You should the canals are freezing,
You should see me high.
You should just be here,
Be with me here.
If doesn't seem there's hope for me,
I'll let you down.
But I won't give in now,
Not for any amount.

Don't it feel like sunshine after all?
The world we love forever gone.
We're only just as happy
As everyone else seems to think we are.