El reggae es un género musical originario de la isla de Jamaica, inspirado en otros dos géneros antecesores: el ska y el rocksteady, y cuya primera aparición se remonta hacia los finales de la década del sesenta del siglo pasado. Género musical originario de la Isla de Jamaica y que nace en los años sesenta En tanto, la principal característica que distingue a este estilo musical es su ritmo parsimonioso, repetitivo y sumamente sencillo.

Biografia Damian Marley

➽ Biografía de Damian Marley

Damian Marley (nacido el 21 de julio de 1978 en Kingston, Jamaica), artista de reggae, es el hijo pequeño de Bob Marley, y el único hijo del matrimonio entre Bob y Cindy Breakspeare, Miss Mundo de 1976. Su apodo es Junior Gong, derivación del de su padre, Tuff Gong. Damian ha estado actuando desde los 13 años. Comparte con la mayor parte de la familia Marley una larga carrera musical. A diferencia de sus hermanos y hermanas, su especialidad musical es, sin embargo, el "deejaying", un estilo jamaicano de rap al que algunos consideran un antecesor del hip hop moderno.

Como su padre antes que él y el resto de la familia Marley, es un rastafari y su música refleja tanto sus creencias como los principios dirigentes rastafaris de un amor, un planeta, y la libertad para todo. A pesar de que se pasa la mayor parte del año viajando, reside en Kingston, Miami Florida.

Letra de There For You

Vexation of spirit is a waste of time
Negative thinking don't you waste your thoughts
Verbal conflict is a waste of word
Physical conflict is a waste of flesh
People will always be who they want
and that's what really makes to world go round
Unconditional love is scarce

'Till shiloh i shall not forsake thee
Now and forever more, forever more, forever more, YEAH

You see, you gave preciuos life to me
so i live my life for you.... you..
You see, you've always been there for me
and so i'll be there for you..... you...

'Till shiloh i shall not forsake thee

Bless your eyes and may your days be long
may you rise on the morning
when his kingdome come
good deeds aren't remembered in the hearts od men

'till shiloh i shall not forsake thee
now and forever more, forever more, forever more

you see, you've always had faith in me
and so i'll have faith in you.... you...
you've always been there for me
and so i'll be there for you.... you...
you've always been good to me
even when i'm not good to myself
you've always been fair to me
even when i'm not fair to myself
you've always done right by me
so i'll do right by you.... you...

'till shiloh i shall not forsake thee

you've always been there for me mama
and so i'll be there for you papa
you've always been fair to me brother
and so i'llbe fair to you sister
you've always had faith in me
and so i'll have faith in you.... you...
you've always been good to me
you've always been kind to me
you've always stood up for me
you've always been there for me
you've always been.... oooooohh
you've always been.... oooooohh
you've always did care for me... yeh
you always did share with me.... yeh
you always been true to me
and so i'll be true to you...