El reggae es un género musical originario de la isla de Jamaica, inspirado en otros dos géneros antecesores: el ska y el rocksteady, y cuya primera aparición se remonta hacia los finales de la década del sesenta del siglo pasado. Género musical originario de la Isla de Jamaica y que nace en los años sesenta En tanto, la principal característica que distingue a este estilo musical es su ritmo parsimonioso, repetitivo y sumamente sencillo.

Biografia Ayo

➽ Biografía de Ayo

Alemana de raices nigerianas y espíritu francés de veintiseis años. Su nombre, que en Yoruba significa “alegría”, empieza a sonar desde que en 2006 sacara el que ha sido su álbum debut, Joyful.

Ayo tiene una voz de cantante de jazz de los años cuarenta y una vida complicada a la que echar mano para desgarrar las letras de sus canciones. Su primer single es Down on my knees y su estilo es la tónica que define todo su trabajo. Su ritmo suave, lento, con una raíz reggae, olor a jazz y sabor a intensidad, te captura. Habrá quien escuche en ella a una seguidora de la corriente iniciada por Norah Jones y tan pobremente continuada, en mi opinión, por Corinne Bailey Rae.

Letra de Who Are They

He wants to cross the ocean,
No matter what it takes
They say over there
Is where the dreams are made
There he won't have to work as hard
Can make loads of money no matter who you are
Over there he lived a good life
They say everything's so much easier
Who are they?
To separate what God gave
Who are they?
To tear us apart... who we are
Who are they?
To separate what God gave
Who are they?
To tell me that I can't stay

She wants to cross the ocean
No matter what it takes
They say over there is where the beautiful things are made
There she won't have to work as hard
They say you can make loads of money become a movie star
Over there she'll live the fine life
And people will treat you so much better
Who are they?
To separate what God gave
Who are they?
To tear us apart... who we are
Who are they?
To separate what God gave
Who are they?
To tell me that I can't stay
Who are they?
To separate what God gave
Who are they?
To tear us apart... who we are
Who are they?
To separate what God gave
Who are they?
To tell me that I can't stay.