El término MÚSICA INDIE viene originalmente de la palabra independent, o música independiente. En teoría no tiene un género definido ya que cualquier artista o grupo alejados de las discográficas comerciales, amateur o que huyen de marketing y los sellos multinacionales podría ser denominado indie. No obstante, en la práctica se ha generalizado el uso de la palabra INDIE a ciertos grupos de INDIE ROCK poplularizados a partir de los años ochenta en Reino unido y Estados Unidos.

Biografia Dashboard Confessional

➽ Biografía de Dashboard Confessional

Dashboard Confessional es un grupo de música de origen estadounidense, liderado por el músico-compositor y guitarrista Chris Carrabba, originario de Boca Ratón (Florida).

En 1999 nace Dashboard Confessional como un proyecto solista-paralelo de Chris Carrabba, en el cual Chris tocaba la guitarra, cantaba y escribía todas las canciones.

Letra de The Good Fight

Consider the odds, consider the obvious
The martyr is meaningless, the campaign has died
In the planning stages and the fallen faces are the singularproofs
That it was ever alive
This purchased rebellion has been out-bided
Denounced and rescinded and left to die
Championless, championless, championless

I begged you not to go
I begged you
I pleaded
Claimed you as my only hope
And watched the floor as you retreated
I begged you not to go
I begged you
I pleaded
Claimed you as my only hope
And watched the floor as you retreated

Hope has sprung a perfect dive
A perfect day
A perfect lie
A slowly crafted monologue conceding your defeat

This purchased rebellion has been out-bided
Denounced and rescinded and left to die
Championless, championless, championless

I begged you not to go
I begged you
I pleaded
Claimed you as my only hope
And watched the floor as you retreated
I begged you not to go
I begged you
I pleaded
Claimed you as my only hope
And watched the floor as you retreated

Does it comfort you to know you fought the good fight?
Basking in your victory, hollow and alone
As you boast your bitter bragging rights to anyone who willlisten
While you're left with nothing tangible to gain