El hip hop es un género musical que incluye golpes rítmicos que acompañan a una voz principal que rapea. Este es un género musical muy popular y uno de los principales componentes de lo que es considerado como la cultura hip hop. Muchos espectáculos instrumentales en los que se presentan DJs sin apoyo vocal, también son abarcados bajo el género de la música hip hop. Esto se ha vuelto más popular dado que las técnicas de mezclado y sampleo (o muestreo) han madurado en los últimos años.

Biografia The Streets

➽ Biografía de The Streets

The Streets es el projecto de Mike Skinner nacido en Birmingham, Reino Unido el 27 de noviembre de 1978, y afincado en el Norte de Londres.

Original Pirate Material(02), clásico absoluto, destapó a Mike Skinner como un enorme productor. Con aquel referencial debut, se nos presentaba un fresquísimo cronista social que definía sin artificios un concepto tan complejo como es “vivir en Inglaterra”. Bajo el alias The Streets, influenciado desde su infancia por De La Soul y Beastie Boys, y compitiendo con coetáneos como Eminem y So Solid Crew, Skinner se convirtió en el orgullo del UK garage o 2step: sub-estilo del hip hop que combina bases espasmódicas + fraseo del este de Londres + luminosas melodías r’n’b. Nuestro protagonista grabó sus primeras maquetas a los 15 años e intentó crear un sello para poder editarlas; todo mientras se ganaba la vida trabajando en establecimientos de comida basura.

Hip Hop

Letra de Omg

Looked at your status,
"in a relationship",
"in a relationship",
An earthquake hit me (oi!)

Your status had changed,
You've never worked about this.
Couldn't drag my eye away,
The words on the screen
Nothing set between us but you just weren't that keen,
In a relationship,
Plainheld bettyka.
Got to walk away and… let it go.

Why did you leave it so late to tell me?
Wow a revelation, (oh oh)
Then i get you, you get me honestly and,
Wow a situation.
Oh my gosh why did you leave it so late to tell me,
Wow a revelation.
Then i get you and you get me on the street and,
Wow a relation.

Looked at your photo, of folks i didn't know,
Folks i hadn't noticed seem close to you now,
We'd been hangin' out a lot,
I'd gathered that would have to stop.

All that build up for me,
All the weeks of us walking past tree after tree,
All the patience and doubt,
The relational maybe..
May as well bow you're in a relationship now.

Why did you leave it so late to tell me?
Wow a revelation. (oh oh)
Then i get you and you get me honestly ,
And, wow a situation.

Oh my gosh why did you leave it so late to tell me?
Wow a revelation. (uh oh)
Then i look at you and you look at me on the street and,
Wow a situation.

Looked at your status,
"in a relationship"
"in a relationship"
It devastated me.
Then what did i spy, i punched a fucking ?
Among the normally ignorable requests at the right,
I'd of never of guessed a request so nice,
Now if you look at my status,
I'm in a relationship too… with you.

Why did you leave it so late to tell me?
Wow, a revelation. (oh oh)
Then i look at you and you look at me honestly and,
Wow a situation.

I stand corrected i was pushing for the best i guess
I took one look at you and i could fog out the rest if
I've got what it takes, and it won't be wasted on fakes

I paced myself,
I have faith this time,
I saw something for me,
I felt something right.

Why did you leave it so late to tell me?
Wow a revelation.
Then i look at you and you look at me honestly and,
Wow a situation.

Why did you leave it so late to tell me?
Wow a revelation.
Then i look at you and you look at me honestly and,
Wow a situation.