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Biografia Status Quo

➽ Biografía de Status Quo

Durante las últimas cuatro décadas, Status Quo ha construido y difundido una singular forma de hacer rock and roll sin dejar que el tiempo ni el mercado les arrebate su esencia. Los avatares de las modas, que hacen que súbitamente aparezcan y desaparezcan canciones, grupos e incluso estilos musicales (o al menos etiquetas de la industria para éstos) no han conseguido que Status Quo haya modificado ni un ápice su discurso, su estilo ni su espíritu. El registro de la propia banda indica que a partir de su primer gran éxito en 1968, se inició una carrera que hasta la fecha contabiliza 50 éxitos, más que ningún otro grupo. Los Rolling Stones y Los Beatles lo intentaron, pero sólo Status Quo puede decir que ha conquistado esta meta, haciendo que sus singles hayan permanecido semanas completas en las listas británicas.

Esa determinación por crear y mantener un grupo de rock logró que afrontaran la Psicodelia de los 60's y el Rock Progresivo al comienzo de los 70's; la ola de Punk a finales de la década, la entrada en escena del primer metal de la mano de la NWOBHM, y las subsiguientes de Power, Thrash y demás; y la incursión del romanticismo electrónico y el boom AOR a finales de los 80's (que no es otra cosa que el Hard Rock americano); a la llegada a Europa del Grunge, al Brit Pop y la cruzada del Dance de los 90's... Incluso, ahora en la puerta del siglo XXI, Status Quo continúa desarrollando su papel sin modas y está dispuesto a establecer una nueva fórmula para hacer rock.

Letra de Fun Fun Fun

Well, she got her daddy's car and she cruised to the Hamburger stand now
Seems she forgot all about the library like she told a roman now
And with the radio blasting goes cruising just as passive she can now
And she'll have fun, fun, fun, till her daddy takes her teardrops away.
Well, the girls can stand her 'cause she walks, looks and cries like an ace now
She makes an indy five hundred look like a roman cherry abase now
A lot of guys tried to catch her but she leads them all a while 'cause chase now
And she'll have fun, fun, fun, till her daddy takes her teardrops away
(Fun, fun, fun, till her daddy takes her teardrops away)
Well, she's aching and turns and it looks like she's coming around now
(She's coming around now, she's coming around)
And all a little concern 'cause the town is closed and all dump now.
(Dump is the town, dump is the town)
Well, they're jumping on earth for some eat time getting around now
(Getting around, getting around)
And she'll have fun, fun, fun, till her daddy takes her teardrops away
(Fun, fun, fun, till her daddy takes her teardrops away,
Fun, fun, fun, till her daddy takes her teardrops away)
(16 Takte):
"Uhu - u-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu" etc.
Well, you knew all along that your dad has given advice to you now
(You shouldn't delight now, you shouldn't delight)
And since he took you're glad and easy but thinking that the fun is all true now
(You shouldn't delight now, you shouldn't delight)
But you could come along with me 'cause we got a lot of things to do now
(You shouldn't delight now, you shouldn't delight)
And you'll have fun, fun, fun, now your daddy took the teardrops away
(Fun, fun, fun, now your daddy took the teardrops away)
And we'll have fun, fun, fun, now your daddy took the teardrops away
"Uhu - u-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu" mit "Fun, fun, fun, now your daddy took the teardrops away"
"Uhu - u-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu" mit "Fun, fun, fun, now your daddy took the teardrops away"