La música alternativa es uno de los estilos musicales más populares a nivel internacional. El rock alternativo fue producido como una alternativa a la música a finales de los 80 y principio de los 90. Siendo en esta última década donde alcanza gran aceptación por parte de los amantes de la música, y esto se debió en gran medida a la colaboración de bandas punk de los años 70 y 80. La baja en popularidad del rock alternativo fue debido a la sobresaturación del mercado causado por los ejecutivos de compañías disqueras quienes solo pensaban en ganar plata.

Biografia The 1975

➽ Biografía de The 1975

The 1975 son una banda indie inglesa originaria de Manchester. El grupo está compuesto por el vocalista principal y guitarrista rítmico Matthew "Matty" Healy, el guitarrista principal Adam Hann, el bajista Ross MacDonald y el baterista George Daniel.

Los orígenes de la banda se remontan a sus días en la escuela secundaria Wilmslow High School y su convivencia siendo adolescentes en 2002. Unas presentaciones organizadas por el ayuntamiento local llevaron a la banda a firmar formalmente como 1975. Su nombre fue elegido inspirado en un libro de poesía de Jack Kerouac. Eventualmente firmaron un contrato discográfico después de su éxito con los sellos Dirty Hit y Polydor Records.


Letra de People

Wake up, wake up, wake up!
It's Monday morning and we've only got a thousand of them left
Well, I know it feels pointless and you don't have any money
But we're all just gonna try our fucking best

Well, my generation wanna fuck Barack Obama
Living in a sauna with legal marijuana
Well, girls, food, gear
I don't like going outside, so bring me everything here

(Woo, woo, yeah, that's right)

People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with the, fucking with the
People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with the, fucking with the

People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with the, fucking with the
People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with the kids!

Wake up, wake up, wake up!
We are appalling and we need to stop just watching shit in bed
And I know it sounds boring and we like things that are funny
But we need to get this in our fucking heads

The economy's a goner
Republic's a banana
Ignore it if you wanna
Fuck it, I'm just gonna get girls, food, gear
I don't like going outside, so bring me everything here

(Woo, woo, yeah)

People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with, fucking with
People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with, fucking with

People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with the kids
People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with the kids!

People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with, fucking with
People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with, fucking with

People like people
They want alive people
The young surprise people
Stop fucking with the kids!